もうすぐです...何か非常に奇妙なことが世界中で起こっている |プレアデス人 In this channeled session, the Pleiadians share with us information regarding the following: 1. What are the types of souls that are currently incarnated on Earth, and…
彼らはこれを決して一般に公開しません...(ごく少数) |銀河連合 In this channeled message, the Galactic Federation share with us information regarding the following:1. What are the different types of walk-ins and how do they work?2. What is th…
これが、誰もが「ネフィリム」をグーグルで検索している理由です|メタトロン In this channeled session, the Galactic Federation share with us information regarding the following:1. What is the identity of the Jellyfish UFO?2. Why are billionair…
テレビでこれを聞いたら、すべてのデバイスの電源を切れ|銀河連合 In this channeled session, the Galactic Federation shared information on the following:1. What is truth about earthquake in Japan which happened recently?2. How does soul commu…
「ユニバーサルアラート」プレアデス人は、2024年に地球上のすべての人に影響を与える重要な出来事について警告します In this channeled session, the Galactic Federation share with us information regarding the following: 1. What are the prediction…