


So, Its Been Their Plan All Along! You Won't Believe It... | Galactic Federation

だから、それはずっと彼らの計画だったのです!信じられないでしょう...|銀河連合 In this channeled message from the Galactic Federation, the following information has been shared:1. What is the truth about UFO information released by Luis Elizo…

Are THEY Hiding It.. Something VERY strange is happening at CERN | Pleiadians

彼らはそれを隠していますか..CERNで何か非常に奇妙なことが起こっています |プレアデス人 In this channeled session, Pleiadians answer the following:1. What is the truth behind a video that was circulating on social media and showcases various …

They will never show this to the public... (Very few know) | Metatron

彼らはこれを公に決して見せません...(知っている人はほとんどいません) |メタトロン In this channeled session, Metatron Magnetic Consciousness answers the following:1. What is the truth behind a person named, Dr. Daniel Nemes, who supposedly c…

GFL WARNED ME ABOUT THIS - Every Starseed Must Watch This! Galactic Federation (2024)

GFLはこれについて私に警告しました - すべてのスターシードはこれを見なければなりません!銀河連合(2024年) In this channeled session, the Galactic Federation shares information regarding the following:1. What are their thoughts on the recent ev…