


Something SINISTER is Going On! - Pleiadians (2024)

何かシニスターが進行中です!- プレアデス人 (2024) In this channeled session, the Pleiadians share with us information regarding the following:1. What is the truth behind the Pascagoula UFO incident, which occurred in 1973?2. Who created the…

If You Hear This on TV, Switch Off All Your Devices | Metatron

テレビでこの音が聞こえた場合は、すべてのデバイスの電源を切ります |メタトロン In this channeled session, I have channeled Metatron Magnetic Consciousness to ask about the following:1. Truth about the recent Global outage?2. Is Gobekli Tepe …

What they won't tell you about what happened to him... Revealed !! Galactic Federation (2024)

彼に何が起こったのか、彼らが教えてくれないこと...明らか!!銀河連合(2024年) In this channeled session, the Galactic Federation share information about:1. What is the truth behind the assassination attempt on Donald Trump and who was behind…

Something HUGE Is About to Happen - But No One Is Talking About It | Pleiadians

何か巨大なことが起ころうとしている - しかし、誰もそれについて語っていない |プレアデス人 In this channeled session, the Pleiadians share with us information regarding the following:1. There were claims about secret space programs which were…

'BUCKLE UP!!! This is the Last INCARNATION for EVERYONE' - Metatron & Steven Greer

「シートベルトを締めろ!!これはすべての人のための最後の化身です」 - メタトロン & スティーブン・グリア In this channeled session, Metatron Magnetic Consciousness answers the following:1. Update for the month of July 2024 regarding the Lookin…