速報:誰が選挙に勝つかはわかっています!- メタトロン In this channeled session, Metatron shares information about the following:1. Who will win the upcoming United States elections of 2024?2. What is the looking glass event for November, 202…
Strange Events Happening Worldwide: Are These the Final Signs of the End Times? -Galactic Federation
世界中で起こっている奇妙な出来事:これらは終末の時の最後のしるしですか?●銀河連合 In this channeled session, the Galactic Federation answers the following questions: 1. What's the truth about a UFO sighting of 1996 in a location known as Mat…
人々は実際に何が起こっているのかわからない - プレアデス人 In this channeled session, the Pleiadians share with us information regarding the following:1. What's the truth about semi-awake channeling and how to do it perfectly?2. What's the …
「ギャラクティック・アラート」 彼らは次に来るもののために準備をしています。|メタトロンとイーロンマスク In this channeled session, Metatron answer the following questions:1. What is the truth about Elon Musk's new robot fleet and their agen…
フロリダ州ハリケーンミルトン ️ 「ハリケーンミルトンについて彼らがあなたに伝えていないこと」 - RA In this channeled session, Ra answer the following:1. What is hidden truth about Florida Hurricane Milton?2. What is the soul identity, soul n…
これは不穏なことであり、古い魂は今日からこれについて知らなければなりません!- 銀河連合 (2024) In this channeled session, the Galactic Federation answer the following:1. What is the truth behind organic portals, and how many organic portals …
注意!!珍しいダブルルナイベントでは、混沌としたエネルギーが解き放たれます!- プレアディアンズ In this channeled session, the Pleiadians answer the following questions:1. What is the main purpose of Mark Zuckerberg's Orion artificial intell…
備えよ!第4の変化」が私たちに迫っている|メタトロン In this channeled session, Metatron answers the following:1. What is truth about an image of a UFO that was released by someone, who have caught this image in some kind of Warehouse? 2. W…
これはYouTubeで最も禁止されている録音の1つです|銀河連合 In this channeled session, I have channeled the Galactic Federation, who answer the following:1. The truth about one of the most deleted topics on the internet, which was a recording …
このビデオがあなたを目覚めさせない場合、私は何が起こるかわかりません|プレアデス人 In this channeled session, the Pleiadians share information regarding the following:1. What is the truth about an image that recently was circulating around …
親愛なる地球よ、それは始まった!- メタトロン In this channeled session, Metatron answers the following questions:1. What is the Looking Glass event for the month of September?2. What is the truth behind solar activities and coronal mass eje…
だから、それはずっと彼らの計画だったのです!信じられないでしょう...|銀河連合 In this channeled message from the Galactic Federation, the following information has been shared:1. What is the truth about UFO information released by Luis Elizo…
彼らはそれを隠していますか..CERNで何か非常に奇妙なことが起こっています |プレアデス人 In this channeled session, Pleiadians answer the following:1. What is the truth behind a video that was circulating on social media and showcases various …
彼らはこれを公に決して見せません...(知っている人はほとんどいません) |メタトロン In this channeled session, Metatron Magnetic Consciousness answers the following:1. What is the truth behind a person named, Dr. Daniel Nemes, who supposedly c…
GFLはこれについて私に警告しました - すべてのスターシードはこれを見なければなりません!銀河連合(2024年) In this channeled session, the Galactic Federation shares information regarding the following:1. What are their thoughts on the recent ev…
何かシニスターが進行中です!- プレアデス人 (2024) In this channeled session, the Pleiadians share with us information regarding the following:1. What is the truth behind the Pascagoula UFO incident, which occurred in 1973?2. Who created the…
テレビでこの音が聞こえた場合は、すべてのデバイスの電源を切ります |メタトロン In this channeled session, I have channeled Metatron Magnetic Consciousness to ask about the following:1. Truth about the recent Global outage?2. Is Gobekli Tepe …
彼に何が起こったのか、彼らが教えてくれないこと...明らか!!銀河連合(2024年) In this channeled session, the Galactic Federation share information about:1. What is the truth behind the assassination attempt on Donald Trump and who was behind…
何か巨大なことが起ころうとしている - しかし、誰もそれについて語っていない |プレアデス人 In this channeled session, the Pleiadians share with us information regarding the following:1. There were claims about secret space programs which were…
「シートベルトを締めろ!!これはすべての人のための最後の化身です」 - メタトロン & スティーブン・グリア In this channeled session, Metatron Magnetic Consciousness answers the following:1. Update for the month of July 2024 regarding the Lookin…
2024年の最大の啓示:この!!ほど重要なものはない- 銀河連合 In this channeled session, I ask the Galactic Federation about the following:1. Update regarding the Venus Wars.2. What is the agenda behind an AI priest artificial intelligence pries…
厳戒態勢:「これから起こることは第三次世界大戦よりも悪い、エイリアンは準備ができている!!」2024年 |プレアデス人 In this channeled session, the Pleiadians reveal the following information: 1. What is about to come could be worse than World Wa…
これがあなたを信者にしないなら... 何も信じられない - メタトロン&ドナルド・トランプ(2024年) In this channeled message, Metatron answers the following:1. Was there any Alien involvement in the recent events which happened with Donald Trum…
だから、これは彼らが天気をコントロールする方法です..(そして世界) |銀河連合とテレンス・ハワード In this channeled session, the Galactic Federation answers the following:1. What can we expect for the Looking Glass event for the month of June…
終わりの時の警告:聖書的なことが今週起こっています|今すぐ準備しよう! In this channeled message, the Pleiadians share information about the following:1. An update regarding the Venus Wars; something biblical is happening next week 2. Truth b…
あなたが真実を扱えると思うなら、ここにあります!- メタトロンとイーロンマスク In this channeled session, Metatron answers the following:1. What was the real reason behind the recent solar flares and update of Venus wars?2. Are there any flat…
準備をしなさい、物事はおかしくなろうとしています!- 銀河連邦 (2024) In this channeled session, I have channeled the Galactic Federation in order to answer the following:1. Update on Venus Wars2. I have asked about the truth about who create…
(彼らはやってくる - これが終わり) |プレアデス人とグラハム・ハンコック(2024年) In this channeled message, the Pleiadians share with us information regarding the following:1. Who is coming and the end is near 2. the truth behind the Balbek t…
世界の市民へのメッセージ..2024年の大きな変化 |メタトロンIn this channeled session, Metatron answers the following:1. What can we expect for the Looking Glass event in May ?2. What is known as sacred secretion? what does it mean?3. The trut…
人類のターニングポイントがやってくる!衝撃的な真実は、あなたが聞く必要があります! |銀河連合 In this channeled session, the Galactic Federation share information on the following:1. Are we living in base reality?2. Truth behind how to dissol…